News list for " binancecharity"

Binance Charity plans to airdrop $1.50 million worth of BNB to users in flood-stricken areas in Europe

According to official news, BinanceCharity announced that it will airdrop up to $1.50 million in BNB to users in Central Europe affected by Storm Boris flooding. Eligible users include: Binance users who complete their address verification (POA) by September 18, 2024 and live in the worst-hit areas of Poland, Romania, and the Czech Republic will receive $50 worth of BNB each directly; existing users who complete their POA between September 18 and October 11, 2024 will receive an additional $25 i...

2024-09-25 11:48:29
Binance Charity拟向欧洲洪灾地区用户空投价值150万美元BNB

据官方消息,币安旗下慈善机构BinanceCharity宣布将向受风暴鲍里斯洪灾影响的中欧地区用户空投高达150万美元的BNB。符合条件的用户包括: 在2024年9月18日前完成地址验证(POA),且居住在波兰、罗马尼亚和捷克受灾最严重地区的币安用户,每人将直接收到价值50美元的BNB;2024年9月18日至10月11日期间完成POA的现有用户,币安将额外捐赠25美元的BNB。首批资金预计将于2024年10...

2024-09-25 11:48:29